Thursday, June 23, 2011

30 Day Shred, day 4

Whew! I can honestly say Jillian Michaels is fricken hardcore!
Day 4 and I FEEL my body! Calves, arms, thighs you name it.
But I also feel BETTER. More energized. Less "gunky" if that makes sense.
Anxious to see my weight and after pics vs. my weight and before pics in 30 days.

July 19- Here I come!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Day 3- Featured SP Recipe

100 Calorie Cinnamon Pancakes!


Day 3

So far so good this morning.
Had a nice night out- some mommy time!
Going to get my workout in when the boys nap later. Today is Pilates, yoga and stretching.
Looking into possibly getting an elliptical machine! How exciting. That, and all of the kitchen appliances I want/need for healthy eating. Food scale, juicer, food processor, etc. Hopefully we can get those soon.
Short entry today- gotta run!
Until later- Jenn

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Day 2- Featured SP Recipe

Apple Crisp

This apple crisp is sweet and simple to prepare, but uses very little added sugar. 

This looks yummy!

Day 2

So far, I have managed to sleep in and not do my workout this morning. Fear not tho- I will fit it in today! It's just difficult to wake up at 6:30 when at 5:15 you're up changing sheets because your 7 week old peed all over your sheets and pillow. Ah, motherhood. <3

Looking at my food tracking yesterday I'm right about on track. I fell short a few calories, but that's ok. For the most part I was on target in protein and fat, slightly over on carbs, and under on calories. But the over/unders were just slightly off. I also noticed because I was writing down and tracking my foods, I refrained from mindless snacking all day. Go me!

Today's physical activity will be a 20 min aerobics dance, 10 min Pilates and a 10 min stretch. Here's hoping my knee won't give out on me. It's quite tender from the jogging attempt yesterday morning. *Pondering as to where my knee brace is....*

Well, need to get the wee ones up. Connor will be wanting his milk and Trevor to nurse. Oh, I suppose I should get Elijah some coffee made too. Heh.

Until later, think healthy thoughts!


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 1

Started back on SparkPeople today. I forgot just how addicting the site is! I don't have much time everyday to get on the computer anymore with two kids, but I have managed to do some SP surfing. :)

I figure it's about time I get serious about this weight and being healthy. Not just for me, but to keep up with Connor and Trevor as they get older. I want the boys to grow up eating healthy and wanting to do physical activities- not just sit at home and play video games.

So, here I sit. On my fitness blog, where I will try to write about the day's nutrition and exercise, as well as sharing new recipes, tips and notes.

Don't be afraid to push that "Follow" button! The more people behind me the better.

Until later-
